
SAGE Participates in Fishing for a Cause

On June 10th and 11th, members of SAGE took place in Meeting Street School’s Annual Fishing for a Cause Tournament off the coast of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. The event is a “catch and release” tournament that raises money for the Schwartz School, a private school for students with special needs. Tournament rules included measuring […]

My First 6 Months at SAGE

I figured the hard part was over; I was offered a position at the company I had been crossing my fingers for. Being in my mid-twenties, I was looking to build my career, not just add another job to my resume. Needless to say, I was very nervous during my interview with SAGE. I was […]

EPA Announces Release of PFAS Strategic Roadmap

On October 18th, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released its “Strategic Roadmap” for the contaminant class of per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). PFAS such as perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) are synthetic chemicals introduced in the 1940s and 1950s, which have been used to make commercial and household products that resist […]

The Fall Migration

This is the time of year when many charitable golf events are held in our area.  Is it the change in weather (no longer blazing hot) or something deeper tied to the season? I suspect it’s a little of both. As a member of the Southern New England business community, SAGE staffers gladly follow the […]

Former Kettle Point Oil Terminal Awarded EBC’s 2021 Brownfields-Remediation Project of the Year

The New England Environmental Business Council (the EBC) has awarded SAGE Environmental and the Kettle Point, East Providence redevelopment team with the James D.P. Farrell Award for Brownfields-Remediation Project of the Year. This year’s EBC Brownfields Project award recognizes the successful remediation and redevelopment of a former 20-acre bulk petroleum storage and distribution terminal along […]

SAGE Advice on Environmental Issues in Commercial Real Estate Presented by the Rhode Island Commercial and Appraisal Board of Realtors

March 10, 2021 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Join us for a lively discussion with SAGE Environmental Principal and Owner Rick Mandile, and noted RI environmental attorney Mike Donegan, Orson and Brusini LTD, regarding the environmental due diligence and RIDEM regulatory processes and how they impact you the RI Realtor. Rick and Mike will provide a summary of […]


Finding this quite curious and coincidental, we performed research into the origins of the brick. Below is what we learned about SAGE Brick Manufacturing Co. and this interesting piece of history. Greenport (Southold) (Arshamomaque), NY (1887-1938) [Left] De Witt Clinton Sage came from making a fortune through many business ventures and operating a brickyard on Fishers […]

SAGE an Integral Part in Upgrade of East Providence Credit Rating

Moody Investors Service raised East Providence’s credit rating to A1, due in large part to the benefit resulting from the remediation and redevelopment of the former Kettle Point oil terminal along the Providence River. This property was previously utilized as a bulk petroleum storage and distribution terminal from the 1920’s until 1984. Historical site operations […]

RIDEM’s Office of Land Revitalization & Sustainable Materials Management’s “Refocused Priorities” Webinar

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2020, 11AM – NOON The presentation will be given by Mr. Leo Hellested, PE, Administrator of RIDEM’s new Office of Land Revitalization & Sustainable Materials Management (formerly Office of Waste Management). Mr. Hellested will share information on RIDEM’s refocused priorities, recent initiatives, and the resource challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic as […]

SAGE’s Rick Mandile to Host and Present at EBC RI Emerging Contaminants Webinar

On Thursday, November 5th, Rick Mandile, CEO of SAGE Environmental and Chair of the Rhode Island Chapter of the Environmental Business Council (EBC), will host and participate in a webinar to provide an overview and update of PFAS activities in Rhode Island. The webinar will include: A brief overview of the current state of understanding […]

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