SAGE Advice on Environmental Issues in Commercial Real Estate Presented by the Rhode Island Commercial and Appraisal Board of Realtors

March 1st, 2021

March 10, 2021
4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Join us for a lively discussion with SAGE Environmental Principal and Owner Rick Mandile, and noted RI environmental attorney Mike Donegan, Orson and Brusini LTD, regarding the environmental due diligence and RIDEM regulatory processes and how they impact you the RI Realtor. Rick and Mike will provide a summary of the current state of environmental due diligence, the different risk profiles of local and national lenders, and how to navigate the RIDEM regulatory process if you have a property with environmental issues. Rhode Island has some of the oldest building stock in the country and it’s likely you’ve had to deal with a property with environmental challenges. We hope you’ll share your experiences during our video chat!


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Some of the questions to be addressed during the presentation:

  1. Who is environmentally liable and why?
  2. As a realtor, why do I want to manage, or why do I care about, environmental anything?
  3. What’s a Phase I Environmental Assessment and what’s a Phase II?
  4. If a property is found to be contaminated, what is the RI regulatory process from assessment to site-closure?
  5. Why do I want to have an attorney engage an environmental consultant to perform the environmental due diligence rather than my buy/seller directly?
  6. Can’t I just leave this contaminated stuff in the ground?
  7. Can you provide examples of an easy, modest, and difficult environmental site and discuss the different contaminants, costs, and time frames from discovery to through DEM closure.
  8. Okay – I understand “ground down” environmental issues, why should I care about “ground up” environmental issues? (What’s a PCA?)
  9. I’ve heard DEM’s rules, regs, and staff are unreasonably onerous? Is that true?
  10. Rick, I understand that SAGE is the largest Rhode Island-headquartered, 26 year-young consulting firm, and that you are the chairman of the EBC, a prominent member of RISEP and the ACEC, are asked to speak on behalf of the governor and DEM in front of the legislature, and recently received a Silver Medal in 2020 for Small Environmental Business from the EBJ – why should this matter to me and my clients?


Rick Mandile, Principal & Owner, SAGE Environmental

Rick has performed thousands of environmental assessments on all types of real estate on behalf of sellers, buyers, and lenders throughout New England and the East Coast. He holds an impressive 33-years of career experience and success as an environmental professional and has captained the largest Rhode Island-headquartered environmental firm since 1995, SAGE Environmental, which was awarded the Silver Medal in 2020 by the Environmental Business Journal (EBJ) for Small Environmental Business of the Year.

Rick is Chairman of the Environmental Business Council (EBC); and a member of the Rhode Island Society of Environmental Professionals (RISEP), the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) RI Chapter, and sub-committee member of the Environmental Committee, the Licensed Site Professionals Association (LSPA) of Massachusetts, and the NJ Licensed Remediation Professionals Association (NJLSRP).

Michael Donegan, Attorney, Orson and Brusini LTD

Michael oversees the firm’s environmental practice group. With over 30 years of experience in the area of environmental law, he is the author and editor of the Rhode Island Environmental Law Handbook and is recognized by Martindale Hubble as a Preeminent Attorney in his field.

Mikes practice includes advising clients on all manner of Federal and State environmental permitting, compliance and remediation matters, including those related to corporate transactions, real estate, and renewable energy projects. He has extensive experience in all areas of environmental law, including federal, state, and local permitting associated with major commercial, industrial, and manufacturing facilities; site remediation associated with soil, groundwater, and natural resources; federal and state Brownfields site remediation and redevelopment; matters involving hazardous and solid waste management and disposal; matters involving water and air discharge; land-use planning and development; freshwater and coastal wetlands; permitting and development of energy projects. Specifically including those before the  Energy Facilities Siting Board and matters involving regulatory compliance, enforcement, and litigation.

If you have any questions about RICABOR virtual networking discussions, registering, or upcoming topics, please contact our office via email. (

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