RIDEM’s Office of Land Revitalization & Sustainable Materials Management’s “Refocused Priorities” Webinar

SAGE Is Proud To Sponsor The Rhode Island Society of Environmental Professionals (RISEP) Technical Webinar

October 26th, 2020


The presentation will be given by Mr. Leo Hellested, PE, Administrator of RIDEM’s new Office of Land Revitalization & Sustainable Materials Management (formerly Office of Waste Management). Mr. Hellested will share information on RIDEM’s refocused priorities, recent initiatives, and the resource challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic as they seek to re-position the Office to better serve both the environment as well as the re-start of Rhode Island’s economy.

(You will be provided with a Zoom link upon registration)

RISEP is a non-profit corporation formed in 1989 to encourage and facilitate the development and support of the environmental services industry in Rhode Island. Learn more about RISEP.

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